Step Execution Invocation Handler

A StepExecutionInvocationHandler is notified before and after a step is executed. In constrast to an execution listener the StepExecutionInvocationHandler can influence the result of the step execution.



Custom Step Execution Invocation Handler

Let us assume we would like to check if the browser we use for our tests displays the expected page before we start with a step execution. We could provide an annotation:


annotation AssertEntryPage {
    Class<? extends PageActiveCheck> value

The given class is the one you expect to be active when entering the step. A StepExecutionInvocationHandler is the perfect fit for this check:


class AssertEntryPageStepExecutionInvocationHandler implements StepExecutionInvocationHandler {

    BeanFactory beanFactory

    override handlePreInvoke(TestStep testStep, Object testInstance) {
        val method = testStep.javaMethod
        val assertPostPageAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(AssertEntryPage)
        if(assertPostPageAnnotation !== null) {
            val pageObjectClass = assertPostPageAnnotation.value
            val pageObject = beanFactory.getBean(pageObjectClass)

    override handlePostInvoke(TestStep testStep, Object testInstance) {

In the handlePreInvoke we obtain the java method and check for the AssertEntryPage annotation. If it’s available, we get the page object class which is expected to be active and assert it’s activity. If assertPageActive throws an exception, the step execution is omitted and the step is marked as failed.

The @Component annotation is sufficient to make the bean visible for Spring, if the class is located in a configuration’s (sub-) package.